Now available: Automatic data transfer for Advanced Stroke Certification Programs
A new process is now available to automatically transfer data from the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Get With The Guidelines® (GWTG)—Stroke registry directly into The Joint Commission’s Certification Measure Information Process (CMIP). This data transfer process is available for certified organizations or organizations seeking certification under the advanced disease-specific care stroke programs, including:
- Acute Stroke Ready Hospital (ASRH)
- Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC)
- Primary Stroke Center (PSC)
- Thrombectomy-Capable Stroke Center (TSC)
Organizations may use this process beginning with 2024 quarter 1 (Q1) data. Data should be finalized by 11:59 P.M. eastern standard time the night before the scheduled transfer date. The quarterly data transfer schedule for 2024 is:
- Q1 June 15
- Q2 September 15
- Q3 December 15
- Q4 March 15
To sign up for the new data transfer process, send an email to and request a GWTG–Stroke permission form and questionnaire. Contact your organization’s AHA quality improvement consultant for more information about granting permissions for data sharing and completing the necessary forms.
This automatic data transfer process has been available for the following advanced disease-specific care certification programs that transferred data from AHA’s GWTG—Coronary Artery Disease (GWTG-CAD) registry into The Joint Commission’s CMIP (see the January 2023 and March 2023 issues of Perspectives):
- Acute Heart Attack-Ready (AHAR)
- Comprehensive Heart Attack Center (CHAC)
- Primary Heart Attack Center (PHAC)
Organizations that use GWTG-CAD for heart attack measure data sharing must still complete the stroke enrollment process to allow GWTG-Stroke automatic data transfer to CMIP. Data transfer is limited to aggregate counts of data captured in GWTG-Stroke for Joint Commission stroke measures. It does not capture patient-level data.
Organizations should continue to enter data manually until they receive confirmation of when the automatic data transfer will begin. In addition, organizations that allow the automatic data transfer from the registry into CMIP should check their CMIP data quarterly to ensure data accuracy.
Contact your Joint Commission account executive with any questions about this process.