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Pre-Application for Telehealth Accreditation

Thank you for your interest in achieving the new Telehealth Accreditation with The Joint Commission. The Telehealth Accreditation officially goes live on July 1st, 2024, at which time the formal application will be available.

However, if you’re ready to apply now, and hope to be surveyed during the first few months after launch, we have created a pre-application. This pre-application is an abbreviated questionnaire that can be submitted before July 1st and allows you to identify a “ready date” for your initial virtual survey. The earlier you pre-apply/apply, the earlier we receive your ready date, and the earlier we can begin scheduling your virtual survey.

Once the formal application opens on July 1st, 2024, we will contact you to complete the formal application. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the program requirements or the pre-application process, please reach out to your Mission Development representative at .