Health Care Equity - Assigning Leadership in Health Care Systems
Can large health care systems assign a health care equity leader at the corporate level?
Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.
Yes, the health care equity leader(s) may be assigned at the corporate or system level as long as the leader is able to coordinate and implement health care equity activities at each location and address the site-specific health care disparities identified. However, larger organizations may still want to identify individuals to lead activities at the site level, but the overall responsibilities for system-wide health care equity initiatives can be assigned at the corporate or system level.
Yes, the health care equity leader(s) may be assigned at the corporate or system level as long as the leader is able to coordinate and implement health care equity activities at each location and address the site-specific health care disparities identified. However, larger organizations may still want to identify individuals to lead activities at the site level, but the overall responsibilities for system-wide health care equity initiatives can be assigned at the corporate or system level.
Behavioral Health
National Patient Safety Goals NPSG
This page was last updated on October 19, 2023
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