Smoke alarms - Physician/Staff Sleeping Rooms
What is the requirement for smoke alarms in non-patient sleeping rooms?
Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.
While The Joint Commission does not survey for the requirements of Chapter 28/29 of the Life Safety Code pertaining to Hotels and Dormitories, within Health Care or Ambulatory Health Care occupancies, non-patient sleep rooms that are used by on-call staff fall under that description. The principals contained in those chapters are used to accommodate a non-patient overnight stay condition. Therefore, the Joint Commission requires a single-station smoke alarm in all staff/physician sleeping rooms in accordance with NFPA 101 (2012 edition) Sections 28/ and
The required single-station smoke alarm need not be a smoke detector that is interconnected to the fire alarm system. Per, alarms shall sound only within the individual area, and not activate the building fire alarm system unless otherwise required by the local AHJ. Remote annunciation is permitted.
Reference LS.02.01.34 EP10
While The Joint Commission does not survey for the requirements of Chapter 28/29 of the Life Safety Code pertaining to Hotels and Dormitories, within Health Care or Ambulatory Health Care occupancies, non-patient sleep rooms that are used by on-call staff fall under that description. The principals contained in those chapters are used to accommodate a non-patient overnight stay condition. Therefore, the Joint Commission requires a single-station smoke alarm in all staff/physician sleeping rooms in accordance with NFPA 101 (2012 edition) Sections 28/ and
The required single-station smoke alarm need not be a smoke detector that is interconnected to the fire alarm system. Per, alarms shall sound only within the individual area, and not activate the building fire alarm system unless otherwise required by the local AHJ. Remote annunciation is permitted.
Reference LS.02.01.34 EP10
Nursing Care Center
Life Safety LS
First published date: April 11, 2016
This Standards FAQ was first published on this date.
This page was last updated on October 26, 2021