to main content Ligature and/or Suicide Risk Reduction - Environmental Risk Assessment Expectations in Non-psychiatric Units/Areas in General Hospitals | Hospital and Hospital Clinics | National Patient Safety Goals NPSG | The Joint Commission
Ligature and/or Suicide Risk Reduction - Environmental Risk Assessment Expectations in Non-psychiatric Units/Areas in General Hospitals

What are The Joint Commission's expectations for an environmental risk assessment in non-psychiatric units/areas in general hospitals where patients at risk for suicide are housed (for example, non-designated patient rooms within medical/surgical units, emergency departments)?

Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.

The Joint Commission requires:
  • Thoughtful evaluation of the environment,
  • A plan, and 
  • Available resources to guide staff when housing patients at risk for suicide in a patient room in a non-designated space.
The evaluation is meant to be a proactive process to, at a minimum, identify self-harm issues prior to the patient being placed in the room.  The plan needs to address who is responsible to remove any objects identified to be of a self-harm nature and resources to guide staff, which may include but are not limited to:
  • Checklists identifying the self-harm objects to be removed
  • Electronic flags (e.g. the patient you are placing in a medical/surgical room is high risk and you should sweep the room for items not essential for patient care which may pose a self-harm risk)
  • Competency/training for all sitters who will be with high risk patients to do the environmental assessments
  • Visual reminders (e.g., posters) of the most common items that are significant risks on the unit
  • On-site psychiatric professional who is available to complete an environmental risk assessment in areas where staff do not have the training to do this independently
Additional Resources
Suicide Prevention Portal
Manual: Hospital and Hospital Clinics
Chapter: National Patient Safety Goals NPSG
Last reviewed by Standards Interpretation: February 01, 2022 Represents the most recent date that the FAQ was reviewed (e.g. annual review).
First published date: February 24, 2020 This Standards FAQ was first published on this date.
This page was last updated on February 01, 2022 with update notes of: Review only, FAQ is current Types of changes and an explanation of change type: Editorial changes only: Format changes only. No changes to content. | Review only, FAQ is current: Periodic review completed, no changes to content. | Reflects new or updated requirements: Changes represent new or revised requirements.
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Note: To provide adequate support to those organizations that are either accredited/certified or seeking accreditation/certification, we will only answer those questions submitted by those organizations seeking accreditation/certification or currently accredited/certified by the Joint Commission. The Joint Commission no longer answers questions submitted by students or vendors. Thank you for your understanding.