Non Standardized Performance Measures - Choices
Can the organization develop its own performance measures for stroke?
Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.
Yes, an organization can develop additional, non-standardized performance measures if it chooses to do so; however, it must collect data for all standardized stroke measures mandated by The Joint Commission. Non-standardized measures and data elements selected by an organization cannot be used to replace data collection and reporting for the standardized stroke measures.
Yes, an organization can develop additional, non-standardized performance measures if it chooses to do so; however, it must collect data for all standardized stroke measures mandated by The Joint Commission. Non-standardized measures and data elements selected by an organization cannot be used to replace data collection and reporting for the standardized stroke measures.
Advanced DSC - Acute Stroke Ready Hospital
Performance Measurement DSPM
First published date: April 11, 2016
This Standards FAQ was first published on this date.
This page was last updated on November 01, 2021