Data submission schedule for DSC certification programs
Effective Jan. 1, 2025, disease-specific care (DSC) certified organizations using nonstandardized performance measures will be required to report measure data quarterly. Currently, these data are reported annually through the Certification Measure Information Process (CMIP).
The revised data submission schedule will align with advanced DSC certification programs collecting standardized measure data as well as ORYX® data for Joint Commission accredited assisted living communities, critical access hospitals, and hospitals. A consistent data submission schedule for all performance measure data simplifies reporting requirements, particularly for organizations accredited and/or certified for multiple Joint Commission programs.
DSC certification programs using nonstandardized performance measures must collect and analyze data on four self-selected measures. At a minimum, two of the four should be clinical measures related to or identified in clinical practice guidelines (see Table 2. “Approved Clinical Practice Guidelines,” in the CERT chapter of the DSC manual) for that program or service. The Joint Commission must receive performance measure data no later than 3 months following the end of the calendar quarter (see the following table for submission dates).
- Quarter 1: June 30
- Quarter 2: Sept. 30
- Quarter 3: Dec. 31
- Quarter 4: March 31
Organizations should contact their account executive for more information.