2025 survey enhancements: Survey document upload process
The Joint Commission has added an optional document upload process for hospital, critical access hospital, and hospital tailored accreditation programs. Organizations now can upload survey-related documents to their Joint Commission Connect® extranet site during any survey type. The optional document upload feature will do the following:
- Introduce efficiencies for document sharing during a survey
- Create a consistent location for requested documentation
- Provide seamless access to documents during survey activities
- Be a more environmentally sustainable approach to survey documentation
The Joint Commission will provide easy access to the folder(s), so a Joint Commission Connect user can upload documents if they have been granted security rights by their organization’s security administrator (Security Admin) for document upload. If your hospital or critical access hospital has additional programs being surveyed at the same time, a document upload folder will be provided for each program. Starting now, any hospital or critical access hospital can upload survey documents to their Joint Commission Connect extranet site.
Document Upload is available via the Joint Commission Connect extranet site under the “Survey Process” tab by clicking on the Document Upload link (as shown in the first image). Document Upload is also available from the Notification of Scheduled Events section using the Survey Documents link (as shown in the second image). The Document Upload link will become available at the initiation of the survey.
To prepare for this change, The Joint Commission recommends reviewing the “Security Admin” tab on your organization’s Joint Commission Connect extranet site. Users who will be uploading documents for any program must have their security rights changed to “Full” (as shown in the third image). The Primary Accreditation Contact and CEO roles have been granted “Full” security rights by default.
For any questions regarding this process, please contact your account executive.
COMING SOON: Required document upload: Behavioral Health and Human Services and Telehealth programs
Coming soon, freestanding behavioral health care and human services organizations, as well as freestanding telehealth organizations, will upload required survey documentation to their Joint Commission Connect extranet site prior to their triennial survey. Further details on this change will be provided soon to applicable organizations.