WEBVTT - Some title 00:04.100 --> 00:07.300 So now it's time to take off the gown. And so there is 00:07.300 --> 00:10.200 a specific order in which I would like to instruct 00:10.200 --> 00:12.300 you to take off your gown. So the first thing you're 00:12.300 --> 00:16.200 going to do is if you've tied the tie you're going to break 00:16.200 --> 00:20.300 the tie. Why? You'll notice I've broke it in the front. I didn't 00:20.300 --> 00:22.500 try to reach behind me because I don't know if I got 00:22.500 --> 00:25.100 the folds folded over. I don't know if my back is protected 00:25.100 --> 00:27.000 and perhaps I've touched something with my gloves. 00:27.000 --> 00:29.600 So I'm going to break it in the front if I've put on the 00:29.600 --> 00:32.500 tie. The next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to 00:32.500 --> 00:35.600 disengage the gown. When I disengage the gown, 00:35.600 --> 00:40.100 I don't want to be fumbling back here. Right? So as I went to untie this, 00:40.100 --> 00:43.200 I got to figure out where it's tied. And that means I may touch my 00:43.200 --> 00:46.600 neck or my hair. So instead what I'm going to do is 00:46.600 --> 00:50.100 I'm going to reach over my shoulders. I'm going to 00:50.100 --> 00:55.400 cross my arms. I'm going to bunch up this gown, you'll notice 00:55.400 --> 00:58.300 I got a nice good tight gown and it's starting to pull away 00:58.300 --> 01:04.200 from my body. I'm going to snap. That part. Now if 01:04.200 --> 01:08.600 I have a part of my gown that is the kind that it's more 01:08.600 --> 01:11.100 of a glue type. The glue is going to give. One or the 01:11.100 --> 01:14.200 other of the tabs is going to go. Now you'll notice at this point 01:14.200 --> 01:17.700 I have the gown semi away from my body so you could actually 01:17.700 --> 01:20.400 look straight down to your feet. If you weren't looking 01:20.400 --> 01:23.700 from the top. I've got the gown away from myself. 01:23.700 --> 01:27.200 I'm going to keep holding on to the gown and I'm going 01:27.200 --> 01:33.600 to pull the gown through the sleeves. Through the 01:33.600 --> 01:36.800 sleeves and you will notice as I did that the gown 01:36.800 --> 01:40.600 turned inside out. So now the inside of the gown is 01:40.600 --> 01:43.700 all wrapped up within the gown I have this nice little 01:43.700 --> 01:46.400 bow. My hands are still holding on to the shoulders. 01:46.400 --> 01:50.100 I haven't let go. Now I'm going to start taking the 01:50.100 --> 01:53.700 gown off completely. It's all inside out. I'm protected 01:53.700 --> 02:00.900 from that gown. I'm rolling up the gown into a nice neat 02:00.900 --> 02:04.600 little ball. So any microorganisms that may be on 02:04.600 --> 02:08.100 the inside of this gown are now contained and I can throw 02:08.100 --> 02:12.600 this out. I'm going to pretend I'm throwing this out. I got my gloves 02:12.600 --> 02:16.100 on. That's the last thing I want to take off. I'm going 02:16.100 --> 02:20.400 to pinch. I'm going to pinch and I'm going to slowly 02:20.400 --> 02:26.600 withdraw my hand. Scrunch it up in the other one. 02:26.600 --> 02:30.300 I'm going to stick my fingers inside the gap the glove and I'm 02:30.300 --> 02:33.700 going to pull that over. You will notice how quietly 02:33.700 --> 02:36.400 I tried to do it and controlled. What I don't want 02:36.400 --> 02:40.300 to do is snap and have anything aerosol off the glove 02:40.300 --> 02:44.800 or contaminate myself. And then I'm going to destroy 02:44.800 --> 02:46.800 those. I'm then either going to do hand hygiene 02:46.800 --> 02:49.200 with an alcohol-based product or soap and water. 02:49.200 --> 02:52.400 It depends on whether or not I think I've contaminated 02:52.400 --> 02:54.300 my hands or anything is linked to the glove and 02:54.300 --> 02:59.600 I have visible soilage or if my hands feel dirty 02:59.600 --> 03:03.200 that I'm going to use soap and water otherwise alcohol-based 03:03.200 --> 03:05.700 product is considered sufficient and that's how 03:05.700 --> 03:06.500 you can take off your gown.